A regional interpretation of rules and good practice for greenhouse accounting : Northern Australian savanna systems

Autoria(s): Henry, Beverley K.; Mitchell, Chris; Cowie, Annette; Woldring, Oliver; Carter, John



Land-use change, particularly clearing of forests for agriculture, has contributed significantly to the observed rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Concern about the impacts on climate has led to efforts to monitor and curtail the rapid increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Internationally, much of the current focus is on the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Although electing to not ratify the Protocol, Australia, as a party to the UNFCCC, reports on national greenhouse gas emissions, trends in emissions and abatement measures. In this paper we review the complex accounting rules for human activities affecting greenhouse gas fluxes in the terrestrial biosphere and explore implications and potential opportunities for managing carbon in the savanna ecosystems of northern Australia. Savannas in Australia are managed for grazing as well as for cultural and environmental values against a background of extreme climate variability and disturbance, notably fire. Methane from livestock and non-CO2 emissions from burning are important components of the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with management of savannas. International developments in carbon accounting for the terrestrial biosphere bring a requirement for better attribution of change in carbon stocks and more detailed and spatially explicit data on such characteristics of savanna ecosystems as fire regimes, production and type of fuel for burning, drivers of woody encroachment, rates of woody regrowth, stocking rates and grazing impacts. The benefits of improved biophysical information and of understanding the impacts on ecosystem function of natural factors and management options will extend beyond greenhouse accounting to better land management for multiple objectives.




CSIRO Publishing



Henry, Beverley K., Mitchell, Chris, Cowie, Annette, Woldring, Oliver, & Carter, John (2005) A regional interpretation of rules and good practice for greenhouse accounting : Northern Australian savanna systems. Australian Journal of Botany, 53(7), pp. 589-605.


Institute for Future Environments

Palavras-Chave #059999 Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified #carbon dioxide enrichment #greenhouse gas #Kyoto Protocol #land management #land use change #Australasia #Australia

Journal Article