Contact with existing adipose tissue is inductive for adipogenesis in matrigel

Autoria(s): Kelly, John L.; Findlay, Michael W.; Knight, Kenneth R.; Penington, Anthony J.; Thompson, Erik W.; Messina, Aurora; Morrison, Wayne A.



The effect of adipose tissue on inductive adipogenesis within Matrigel (BD Biosciences) was assessed by using a murine chamber model containing a vascular pedicle. Three-chamber configurations that varied in the access to an adipose tissue source were used, including sealed- and open-chamber groups that had no access and limited access, respectively, to the surrounding adipose tissue, and a sealed-chamber group in which adipose tissue was placed as an autograft. All groups showed neovascularization, but varied in the amount of adipogenesis seen in direct relation to their access to preexisting adipose tissue: open chambers showed strong adipogenesis, whereas the sealed chambers had little or no adipose tissue; adipogenesis was restored in the autograft chamber group that contained 2- to 5-mg fat autografts. These showed significantly more adipogenesis than the sealed chambers with no autograft (p < 0.01). Autografts with 1 mg of fat were capable of producing adipogenesis but did so less consistently than the larger autografts. These findings have important implications for adipose tissue engineering strategies and for understanding de novo production of adipose tissue.





Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers



Kelly, John L., Findlay, Michael W., Knight, Kenneth R., Penington, Anthony J., Thompson, Erik W., Messina, Aurora, & Morrison, Wayne A. (2006) Contact with existing adipose tissue is inductive for adipogenesis in matrigel. Tissue Engineering, 12(7), pp. 2041-2047.


Faculty of Health


Journal Article