Bluetooth vehicle trajectory by fusing Bluetooth and loops : motorway travel time statistics

Autoria(s): Bhaskar, Ashish; Qu, Ming; Chung, Edward



Loop detectors are widely used on the motorway networks where they provide point speed and traffic volumes. Models have been proposed for temporal and spatial generalization of speed for average travel time estimation. Advancement in technology provides complementary data sources such as Bluetooth MAC Scanner (BMS), detecting the MAC ID of the Bluetooth devices transported by the traveller. Matching the data from two BMS stations provides individual vehicle travel time. Generally, on the motorways loops are closely spaced, whereas BMS are placed few kilometres apart. In this research, we fuse BMSs and loops data to define the trajectories of the Bluetooth vehicles. The trajectories are utilised to estimate the travel time statistics between any two points along the motorway. The proposed model is tested using simulation and validated with real data from Pacific motorway, Brisbane. Comparing the model with the linear interpolation based trajectory provides significant improvements.





Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers



Bhaskar, Ashish, Qu, Ming, & Chung, Edward (2014) Bluetooth vehicle trajectory by fusing Bluetooth and loops : motorway travel time statistics. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, PP(99), pp. 1-10.


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School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; Science & Engineering Faculty; Smart Transport Research Centre

Palavras-Chave #090507 Transport Engineering #Bluetooth #Loops #Trajectory #Reliability #Travel time #travel time statics #fusion

Journal Article