Experimental and numerical analysis of the relationship between indoor and outdoor airborne particles in an operating room

Autoria(s): Pereira, Marcelo Luiz; Vilain, Rogério; Galvão, Flavio; Tribess, Arlindo; Morawska, Lidia



This work investigated the impact of the HVAC filtration system and indoor particle sources on the relationship between indoor and outdoor airborne particle size and concentrations in an operating room. Filters with efficiency between 65% and 99.97% were used in the investigation and indoor and outdoor particle size and concentrations were measured. A balance mass model was used for the simulation of the impact of the surgical team, deposition rate, HVAC exhaust and air change rates on indoor particle concentration. The experimental results showed that high efficiency filters would not be expected to decrease the risk associated with indoor particles larger than approximately 1 µm in size because normal filters are relatively efficient for these large particles. A good fraction of outdoor particles were removed by deposition on the HVAC system surfaces and this deposition increased with particle size. For particles of 0.3-0.5 µm in diameter, particle reduction was about 23%, while for particles >10 µm the loss was about 78%. The modelling results showed that depending on the type of filter used, the surgical team generated between 93-99% of total particles, while the outdoor air contributed only 1-6%.






SAGE Publications Ltd




Pereira, Marcelo Luiz, Vilain, Rogério, Galvão, Flavio, Tribess, Arlindo, & Morawska, Lidia (2013) Experimental and numerical analysis of the relationship between indoor and outdoor airborne particles in an operating room. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(6), pp. 864-875.


Copyright 2012 The Author(s)

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School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #040101 Atmospheric Aerosols #050206 Environmental Monitoring #090799 Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified #Operating room #balance mass model #ventilation #filtration #airborne particles #outdoor air

Journal Article