Considering a whole-of-community approach to integrating nature in cities, an international case study of Vauban, Germany

Autoria(s): Reeve, Angela; Desha, Cheryl; Hargroves, Karlson; Hargreaves, Douglas; Newman, Peter



Globally, cities face a convergence of complex and rapidly evolving challenges, including climate change, resource shortages, population growth and urbanization, and financial pressures. Biophilic urbanism is an emerging design principle capable of considering the multidimensional and interdependent complexities of urban systems and infrastructure, which through the use of natural design features, can meet society’s inherent need for contact with nature, and assist efforts to respond to these growing challenges. Considering the imperative for addressing these challenges, this paper proposes that significant lessons can be learned from existing examples of biophilic urbanism, avoiding ‘re-invention of the wheel’ and facilitating accelerated innovation in other areas. Vauban is a 38-hectare brownfield development located 3 kilometers from the centre of Germany’s ‘ecological capital’ of Freiburg city. It was developed using an innovative process with strong community participation and reinterpreted developer roles to produce an example of integrated sustainability. Innovation in transport, energy, housing, development and water treatment has enabled a relatively high-density, mixed-use development that integrates a considerable amount of nature. This paper discusses Vauban in light of research undertaken over the last two years through the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre in Australia, to investigate emerging elements of ‘biophilic urbanism’ (nature-loving cities), and their potential to be mainstreamed within urban environments. The paper considers the interplay between the policies, community dynamics and innovations in Vauban, within the context of the culture, history and practice of sustainability in Germany, and how these have enabled nature to be integrated into the urban environment of Vauban while achieving other desirable goals for urban areas. It highlights potential applications from Vauban for Australian cities.





Reeve, Angela, Desha, Cheryl, Hargroves, Karlson, Hargreaves, Douglas, & Newman, Peter (2013) Considering a whole-of-community approach to integrating nature in cities, an international case study of Vauban, Germany. In Sustainable Engineering Society (SEng) 2013 Conference, 18 – 20 September 2013, National Convention Centre, ACT.


Copyright 2013 Please consult the authors


Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120399 Design Practice and Management not elsewhere classified #120402 Engineering Design Knowledge #120501 Community Planning #120507 Urban Analysis and Development #120508 Urban Design #biophilic urbanism #climate change #community engagement #policy development #Vauban

Conference Paper