Critical reflections on the use of participatory methodologies to build evaluation capacities in international development organisations

Autoria(s): Tacchi, Jo A.; Lennie, June; Wilmore, Michael

World Congress on Action Learning (8th: 2010)

Goff, Susan




"In this chapter the authors present a critique of Participatory Evaluation as worked in development projects, in this case, in Nepal. The article works between established claims that Participatory Evaluation builds capacity at programmatic and organisational levels, and the specific experiences of these claims in the authors’ current work. They highlight the need to address key difficulties such as high turn-over of staff and resulting loss of capacity to engage in Participatory Evaluation, and the difficulty of communication between academic as compared with local practical wisdoms. A key issue is the challenge of addressing the inevitable issues of power inequities that such approaches encounter. While Participatory Evaluation has been around for some time, it has only enjoyed more widespread recognition of its value in comparatively recent times, with its uptake in international development environments. To this extent, the practice is still in its early stages of development, and Jo, June and Michael’s work contributes to strengthening and more comprehensively understanding it. With regard to the meta-theme of this publication, this chapter is an example of how context not only influences the methodology to be used and the praxis of how it is to be used, but contributes to early explication of the core nature of an emerging methodology."



Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc.


Tacchi, Jo A., Lennie, June, & Wilmore, Michael (2013) Critical reflections on the use of participatory methodologies to build evaluation capacities in international development organisations. In Goff, Susan (Ed.) From Theory to Practice; Context in Praxis : Selected Paper from the 8th Action Learning Action Research World Congress. Action Learning, Action Research Association Inc., Brisbane, Australia., pp. 148-158.


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ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #200102 Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies

Book Chapter