Elements of Better Assessment for the Improvement of Learning

Autoria(s): Wyatt-Smith, Claire; Klenowski, Valentina

Wyatt-Smith, Claire

Klenowski, Valentina

Colbert, Peta




Building a community of shared practice at the classroom level calls for clarity about the important assessment capabilities and dispositions of teachers, especially when teachers are expected to take a direct focus on learning. In this chapter, we present new ways of thinking about teachers’ assessment literacies, offering a formulation of better assessment for the improvement of learning, including three elements, namely (i) assessment criteria and standards; (ii) the teacher’s professional judgment; and (iii) social moderation. The potential of the first element lies in teachers’ classroom practices that deliberately embed assessment criteria and standards in pedagogy in productive ways. The second element involves the engagement of teachers and students in judgment practice, that develops the understanding that judgment involves more than the application of explicit or stated criteria. More fundamental is the matter of how teachers bring to bear stated features of quality and other intellectual and experiential resources in arriving at judgment. That is to say, they range across and orient to explicit (stated), tacit (unstated) and meta-criteria in judgment making. These insights have direct relevance to teachers’ efforts to develop students’ own evaluative experience, especially as this involves students working with stated features of quality for self-assessment and peer-assessment purposes. Further, practices for social moderation are discussed, giving examples of good practice in moderation, how teachers experience moderation and the potential benefits of various types.




Springer Netherlands




Wyatt-Smith, Claire & Klenowski, Valentina (2014) Elements of Better Assessment for the Improvement of Learning. In Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Klenowski, Valentina, & Colbert, Peta (Eds.) Designing Assessment for Quality Learning. Springer Netherlands, pp. 195-210.


School of Cultural & Professional Learning; Faculty of Education

Palavras-Chave #130303 Education Assessment and Evaluation #assessment #learning #professional judgment #social moderation

Book Chapter