Cyber crime and its implications to the Pacific

Autoria(s): Finau, Glen; Samuwai, Jale; Prasad, Acklesh



Introduction Cybercrime consists of any criminal action or behaviour that is committed through the use of Information Technology. Common examples of such activities include cyber hacking, identity theft, cracking, spamming, social engineering, data tampering, online fraud, programming attacks, etc. The pervasive use of the internet clearly indicates that the impacts of cybercrime is far reaching and any one, may it be a person or an entity can be a victim of cybercriminal activities. Recently in the US, eight members of a global cybercrime ring were charged in one of the biggest ever bank heists. The cybercrime gang allegedly stole US$45 million by hacking into credit card processing firms and withdrawing money from ATMs in 27 countries (Jessica et al. 2013). An extreme example, the above case highlights how IT is changing the way crimes are being committed. No longer do criminals use masks, guns and get-a-way cars, criminals are able to commit crimes in the comfort of their homes, millions of miles from the scene of the crime and can access significant sums of money that can financially cripple organisations. The world is taking notice of this growing threat and organisations in the Pacific must also be proactive in tackling this emerging issue.





Fiji Institute of Accountants


Finau, Glen, Samuwai, Jale, & Prasad, Acklesh (2013) Cyber crime and its implications to the Pacific. The Fiji Accountant, June, pp. 15-16.


Copyright 2013 Please consult the authors


QUT Business School; School of Accountancy

Palavras-Chave #150199 Accounting Auditing and Accountability not elsewhere classified

Journal Article