Pattern-based topics for document modelling in information filtering

Autoria(s): Gao, Yang; Xu, Yue; Li, Yuefeng



Many mature term-based or pattern-based approaches have been used in the field of information filtering to generate users’ information needs from a collection of documents. A fundamental assumption for these approaches is that the documents in the collection are all about one topic. However, in reality users’ interests can be diverse and the documents in the collection often involve multiple topics. Topic modelling, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), was proposed to generate statistical models to represent multiple topics in a collection of documents, and this has been widely utilized in the fields of machine learning and information retrieval, etc. But its effectiveness in information filtering has not been so well explored. Patterns are always thought to be more discriminative than single terms for describing documents. However, the enormous amount of discovered patterns hinder them from being effectively and efficiently used in real applications, therefore, selection of the most discriminative and representative patterns from the huge amount of discovered patterns becomes crucial. To deal with the above mentioned limitations and problems, in this paper, a novel information filtering model, Maximum matched Pattern-based Topic Model (MPBTM), is proposed. The main distinctive features of the proposed model include: (1) user information needs are generated in terms of multiple topics; (2) each topic is represented by patterns; (3) patterns are generated from topic models and are organized in terms of their statistical and taxonomic features, and; (4) the most discriminative and representative patterns, called Maximum Matched Patterns, are proposed to estimate the document relevance to the user’s information needs in order to filter out irrelevant documents. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model by using the TREC data collection Reuters Corpus Volume 1. The results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art term-based models and pattern-based models








Gao, Yang, Xu, Yue, & Li, Yuefeng (2014) Pattern-based topics for document modelling in information filtering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(6), pp. 1629-1642.


Copyright 2014 IEEE

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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080000 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES #Topic model #Information filtering #Pattern mining #Relevance ranking #User interest model

Journal Article