Integrating time forgetting mechanisms into topic-based user interest profiling

Autoria(s): Tang, Xiaoyu; Xu, Yue; Geva, Shlomo

Raghaven, Vijay

Hu, Xiaolin

Liau, Churn-Jung

Treur, Jan




The rapid development of the World Wide Web has created massive information leading to the information overload problem. Under this circumstance, personalization techniques have been brought out to help users in finding content which meet their personalized interests or needs out of massively increasing information. User profiling techniques have performed the core role in this research. Traditionally, most user profiling techniques create user representations in a static way. However, changes of user interests may occur with time in real world applications. In this research we develop algorithms for mining user interests by integrating time decay mechanisms into topic-based user interest profiling. Time forgetting functions will be integrated into the calculation of topic interest measurements on in-depth level. The experimental study shows that, considering temporal effects of user interests by integrating time forgetting mechanisms shows better performance of recommendation.








Tang, Xiaoyu, Xu, Yue, & Geva, Shlomo (2013) Integrating time forgetting mechanisms into topic-based user interest profiling. In Raghaven, Vijay, Hu, Xiaolin, Liau, Churn-Jung, & Treur, Jan (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), IEEE, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 1-4.


Copyright 2013 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #Recommender systems #User profiling #Time forgetting #Temporal dynamics

Conference Paper