Broadcasting digital stories on Australian community television : the Digistories Anthology

Autoria(s): Spurgeon, Christina

Alcantud-Díaz, María

Gregori-Signes, Carmen




Community-based arts and media movements have been intsrumental in building population-wide creative capacity for cultural development, social participation and social transformation in many parts of the world. Digital storytelling is a form of media practice that was pioneered in the United States at the intersection of these movements. It is described here as a ‘co-creative’ media production method. This description aims to differentiate the approaches to collaborative content creation that are used in community cultural development (CCD) and community media movements from those valued in professional and consumer modes of media production. Yet, the products of co-creative practices, such as digital stories, do not circulate widely through existing media networks or through the newer social media networks that Australian CCD and community media movements anticipated by at least twenty years. The complex politics of story ownership are one of a number of factors that often render ‘publication’ a secondary consideration in the making of digital stories. The possibility of ‘downstream’ use and re-use of stories in other networks is not usually considered in initial planning and development processes. As landmark projects such as Capture Wales indicate, even where stories are made for broadcast outcomes, television can be a problematic window for exhibiting digital stories. Scepticism about the brave new world of reality television and user generated content also circulates in digital storytelling networks, especially when it comes to ethical concerns for managing the risks of harm associated with widespread distribution of digital stories to indiscriminate publics. This publication reports on a collaborative action research project that took a closer look at some of the constraints relating to the problems of re-purposing digital stories for television. It focussed on ‘best practice’ for managing the risks of harm to storytellers in the process of re-purposing digital stories for broadcast on community television.



JPM Ediciones


Spurgeon, Christina (2013) Broadcasting digital stories on Australian community television : the Digistories Anthology. In Alcantud-Díaz, María & Gregori-Signes, Carmen (Eds.) Experiencing Digital Storytelling. JPM Ediciones, Valencia, Spain, pp. 163-183.


© JPM Ediciones, 2013

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Creative Industries Faculty; School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Arts

Palavras-Chave #190299 Film Television and Digital Media not elsewhere classified #200100 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES #Community Media #Co-Creative Media #Community Television #Participatory Culture #Digital Storytelling

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