How transit route passenger load and distance can together influence quality of service

Autoria(s): Bunker, Jonathan M.

Weeks, Jennifer




This paper investigates quality of service and resource productivity implications of transit route passenger loading and travel distance. Weekday Automatic Fare Collection data for a premium radial bus route in Brisbane, Australia, is used to investigate correlation between load factor and distance factor. Relationships between boardings and transit work indicate that distance factor generally increases with load factor. Time series analysis is then presented by examining each direction on an hour by hour basis. Inbound correlation is medium to strong across the entire span of service and strong for daytime services up to 19:30, while outbound correlation is strong across the entire span. Passengers tend to be making longer distance, peak direction commuter trips under the least comfortable conditions under stretched peak schedules than off-peak. Therefore productivity gains may be possible by adjusting fleet utilization during off-peak times. Weekday profiles by direction are established for a composite load-distance factor. A threshold corresponding to standing passengers on the Maximum Load Segment reveals that on-board loading and travel distance combined are more severe during the morning inbound peak than evening outbound peak, although the sharpness of the former suggests that encouraging shoulder peak travel during the morning would be more effective than evening peak. Further research suggested includes: consideration of travel duration factor, relating noise within hour to Peak Hour Factor, profiling load-distance factor across a range of case studies, and relating load-distance factor threshold to line length.





Transportation Research Board of the National Academies


Bunker, Jonathan M. (2014) How transit route passenger load and distance can together influence quality of service. In Weeks, Jennifer (Ed.) Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, USA.


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School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #090507 Transport Engineering #transit #transit capacity #transit quality of service #bus #passenger load #load factor #distance factor #load distance factor

Conference Paper