Establishing sustainable and reliable smart grids

Autoria(s): Kamil, Gunnar Andersson; Dursun, Bjørn Gitle Hauge; Bremdal, Bernt; Nourbakhsh, Ghavameddin

Peretto, Lorenzo

Muscas, Carlo




This paper addresses challenges part of the shift of paradigm taking place in the way we produce, transmit and use power related to what is known as smart grids. The aim of this paper is to explore present initiatives to establish smart grids as a sustainable and reliable power supply system. We argue that smart grids are not isolated to abstract conceptual models alone. We suggest that establishing sustainable and reliable smart grids depend on series of contributions including modeling and simulation projects, technological infrastructure pilots, systemic methods and training, and not least how these and other elements must interact to add reality to the conceptual models. We present and discuss three initiatives that illuminate smart grids from three very different positions. First, the new power grid simulator project in the electrical engineering PhD program at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Second, the new smart grids infrastructure pilot run by the Norwegian Centers of Expertise Smart Energy Markets (NCE SMART). And third, the new systemic Master program on next generation energy technology at østfold University College (Hiø). These initiatives represent future threads in a mesh embedding smart grids in models, technology, infrastructure, education, skills and people.






Kamil, Gunnar Andersson, Dursun, Bjørn Gitle Hauge, Bremdal, Bernt, & Nourbakhsh, Ghavameddin (2013) Establishing sustainable and reliable smart grids. In Peretto, Lorenzo & Muscas, Carlo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS), IEEE, Aachen, Germany , pp. 138-143.


Copyright 2013 IEEE


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #Smart grids #Power grids #Simulation #Infrastructure #Sustainability #Reliability

Conference Paper