Metrics for Understanding Communication on Twitter

Autoria(s): Bruns, Axel; Stieglitz, Stefan

Weller, Katrin

Bruns, Axel

Burgess, Jean

Mahrt, Merja

Puschmann, Cornelius




As the systematic investigation of Twitter as a communications platform continues, the question of developing reliable comparative metrics for the evaluation of public, communicative phenomena on Twitter becomes paramount. What is necessary here is the establishment of an accepted standard for the quantitative description of user activities on Twitter. This needs to be flexible enough in order to be applied to a wide range of communicative situations, such as the evaluation of individual users’ and groups of users’ Twitter communication strategies, the examination of communicative patterns within hashtags and other identifiable ad hoc publics on Twitter (Bruns & Burgess, 2011), and even the analysis of very large datasets of everyday interactions on the platform. By providing a framework for quantitative analysis on Twitter communication, researchers in different areas (e.g., communication studies, sociology, information systems) are enabled to adapt methodological approaches and to conduct analyses on their own. Besides general findings about communication structure on Twitter, large amounts of data might be used to better understand issues or events retrospectively, detect issues or events in an early stage, or even to predict certain real-world developments (e.g., election results; cf. Tumasjan, Sprenger, Sandner, & Welpe, 2010, for an early attempt to do so).





Peter Lang


Bruns, Axel & Stieglitz, Stefan (2014) Metrics for Understanding Communication on Twitter. In Weller, Katrin, Bruns, Axel, Burgess, Jean, Mahrt, Merja, & Puschmann, Cornelius (Eds.) Twitter and Society. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 69-82.


Copyright 2014 Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.


ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Creative Industries Faculty; School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Arts

Palavras-Chave #200101 Communication Studies #200102 Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies #200104 Media Studies #Twitter #social media #metrics #quantitative analysis

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