Apparent dietary intake in remote Aboriginal communities

Autoria(s): Lee, Amanda J.; O'Dea, Kerin; Mathews, John D.



Apparent per capita food and nutrient intake in six remote Australian Aboriginal communities using the ‘store-turnover’ method is described. The method is based on the analysis of community-store food invoices. The face validity of the method supports the notion that, under the unique circumstances of remote Aboriginal communities, the turnover of foodstuffs from the community store is a useful measure of apparent dietary intake for the community as a whole. In all Aboriginal communities studied, the apparent intake of energy, sugars and fat was excessive, while the apparent intake of dietary fibre and several nutrients, including folic acid, was low. White sugar, flour, bread and meat provided in excess of 50 per cent of the apparent total energy intake. Of the apparent high fat intake, fatty meats contributed nearly 40 per cent in northern coastal communities and over 60 per cent in central desert communities. Sixty per cent of the apparent high intake of sugars was derived from sugar per se in both regions. Compared with national Australian apparent consumption data, intakes of sugar, white flour and sweetened carbonated beverages were much higher in Aboriginal communities, and intakes of wholemeal bread, fruit and vegetables were much lower. Results of the store-turnover method have important implications for community-based nutrition intervention programs.





Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia



Lee, Amanda J., O'Dea, Kerin, & Mathews, John D. (1994) Apparent dietary intake in remote Aboriginal communities. Australian Journal of Public Health, 18(2), pp. 190-197.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Palavras-Chave #110000 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES #111100 NUTRITION AND DIETETICS #111700 PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES #111701 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health #111716 Preventive Medicine #Dietary Intake #Dietary Survey Methodology #Australian Aborigines #Food Supply

Journal Article