Curiosity to cupboard : self reported disengagement with energy use feedback over time

Autoria(s): Snow, Stephen; Buys, Laurie; Roe, Paul; Brereton, Margot



This paper discusses findings made during a study of energy use feedback in the home (eco-feedback), well after the novelty has worn off. Contributing towards four important knowledge gaps in the research, we explore eco-feedback over longer time scales, focusing on instances where the feedback was not of lasting benefit to users rather than when it was. Drawing from 23 semi-structured interviews with Australian householders, we found that an initially high level of engagement gave way over time to disinterest, neglect and in certain cases, technical malfunction. Additionally, preconceptions concerned with the “purpose” of the feedback were found to affect use. We propose expanding the scope of enquiry for eco-feedback in several ways, and describe how eco-feedback that better supports decision-making in the “maintenance phase”, i.e. once the initial novelty has worn off, may be key to longer term engagement.





Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



Snow, Stephen, Buys, Laurie, Roe, Paul, & Brereton, Margot (2013) Curiosity to cupboard : self reported disengagement with energy use feedback over time. In Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference : Augmentation, Application, Innovation, Collaboration, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Adelaide, Australia, pp. 245-254.


Copyright 2013 ACM

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School of Design; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Creative Industries Faculty; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #050200 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT #080000 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES #Eco-feedback #Engagement #Long-term #Energy Literacy

Conference Paper