Designing innovative business models: Five emerging meta-models

Autoria(s): Johnson, Dean; Straker, Karla; Wrigley, Cara; Bucolo, Sam

Cai, Jun

Lockwood, Thomas

Wang, Chensheng

Tong, Gabriel Y.

Liu, Jikun




Business models to date have remained the creation of management, however, it is the belief of the authors that designers should be critically approaching, challenging and creating new business models as part of their practice. This belief portrays a new era where business model constructs become the new design brief of the future and fuel design and innovation to work together at the strategic level of an organisation. Innovation can no longer rely on technology and R&D alone but must incorporate business models. Business model innovation has become a strong type of competitive advantage. As firms choose not to compete only on price, but through the delivery of a unique value proposition in order to engage with customers and to differentiate a company within a competitive market. The purpose of this paper is to explore and investigate business model design through various product and/or service deliveries, and identify common drivers that are catalysts for business model innovation. Fifty companies spanning a diverse range of criteria were chosen, to evaluate and compare commonalities and differences in the design of their business models. The analysis of these business cases uncovered commonalities of the key strategic drivers behind these innovative business models. Five Meta Models were derived from this content analysis: Customer Led, Cost Driven, Resource Led, Partnership Led and Price Led. These five key foci provide a designer with a focus from which quick prototypes of new business models are created. Implications from this research suggest there is no ‘one right’ model, but rather through experimentation, the generation of many unique and diverse concepts can result in greater possibilities for future innovation and sustained competitive advantage.





Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


Johnson, Dean, Straker, Karla, Wrigley, Cara, & Bucolo, Sam (2013) Designing innovative business models: Five emerging meta-models. In Cai, Jun, Lockwood, Thomas, Wang, Chensheng, Tong, Gabriel Y., & Liu, Jikun (Eds.) Proceedings 2013 IEEE Tsinghua International Design Management Symposium : Design-Driven Business Innovation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Shenzhen, China, pp. 70-77.


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School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120302 Design Innovation #Business Model Design #Design led innovation

Conference Paper