The government as proprietor, preserver and user of copyright material under the Copyright Act 1968 (CTH)

Autoria(s): Gilchrist, John Steel



This thesis examines the role of government as proprietor, preserver and user of copyright material under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and the policy considerations which Australian law should take into account in that role. There are two recurring themes arising in this examination which are significant to the recommendations and conclusions. The first is whether the needs and status of government should be different from private sector institutions, which also obtain copyright protection under the law. This theme stems from the 2005 Report on Crown Copyright by the Copyright Law Review Committee and the earlier Ergas Committee Report which are discussed in Chapters 2 and 8 of this thesis. The second is to identify the relationship between government copyright law and policy, national cultural policy and fundamental governance values. This theme goes to the essence of the thesis. For example, does the law and practice of government copyright properly reflect technological change in the way we now access and use information and does it facilitate the modern information management principles of government? Is the law and practice of government copyright consistent with the greater openness and accountability of government? The thesis concludes that government copyright law and practice in each of the three governmental roles recognised under the Copyright Act 1968 has not responded adequately to the information age and to the desire and the ability of individuals to access information quickly and effectively. The solution offered in this thesis is reform of the law and of public policy that is in step with access to information policy, the promotion of better communication and interaction with the community, and the enhanced preservation of government and private copyright materials for reasons of government accountability, effective administration and national culture and heritage.





Queensland University of Technology


Gilchrist, John Steel (2012) The government as proprietor, preserver and user of copyright material under the Copyright Act 1968 (CTH). PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.


Faculty of Law

Palavras-Chave #crown copyright, government copyright, crown ownership of copyright, copyright deposit, library deposit, legal deposit, copyright and government archives, access to and re-use of government information, government as preserver of copyright material #crown use of copyright material, copyright and government information management
