Design of a professional development programme for palliative care nurses (Part Two)

Autoria(s): Yates, Patsy; Clinton, Michael; Hart, Gail



Yates et al (1996) provided a review of the literature on educational approaches to improving psychosocial care of terminally ill patients and their families and suggested that there was an urgent need for innovation in this area. A programme of professional development currently being offered to 181 palliative care nurses in Queensland, Australia, was also described. This paper presents research in progress evaluating this programme which involves use of a quasi-experimental pre-post test design. It also includes process and outcome measures to assess effectiveness in improving the participant's ability to provide psychosocial care to patients and families. Research examining the effectiveness of various educational programmes on care of the dying has offered equivocal results (Yates et al 1996). Degner and Gow (1988a) noted that the inconsistencies found in research into death education result from inadequate study designs, variations in the conceptualisation and measurement of the outcomes of the programmes and flaws in data analysis. Such studies have often lacked a theoretical basis, few have employed well-controlled experimental designs, and the programme outcomes have generally been limited to the participant's 'death anxiety', or other death attitudes which have been variously defined and measured. Whilst Degner and Gow (1988b) have reported that undergraduate nursing students who participated in a care of the dying educational programme demonstrated more 'approach caring' behaviours than a control group, the impact of education programmes on patient care has rarely been examined. Failure to link education to nursing practice and subsequent clinical outcomes has, however, been seen as a major limitation of nursing knowledge in this area (Degner et al 1991). This paper describes an approach to researching the effectiveness of professional development programmes for palliative care nurses.



Mark Allen Publishing Ltd.


Yates, Patsy, Clinton, Michael, & Hart, Gail (1997) Design of a professional development programme for palliative care nurses (Part Two). International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 3(2), pp. 70-75.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Nursing


Journal Article