Bringing skills and general competences back into technological education

Autoria(s): Andersson, Gunnar; Sahama, Tony R.; Willett, Graham; Hauge, Bjørn Gitle



In this paper we show that industry-based student training is not limited to work experience; work integrated learning, internship or extended vacation work. It is also about bringing back the lost parts of technological education. We experience the unilateral focus on theoretical knowledge at the expense of skills and general competences as one important challenge in technological education. The lacking facilitation and training of practical skills and general competences in the curricula and programs are identified, but many institutions have failed to address the problem. Today’s curricula in many ways reduce technology to abstract concepts, calculations and models, and create a gap between the academic programs and the practical applications in the society. We explore two (Australia and Norway) initiatives on industry-based student training and discuss how these initiatives address and bridge the gap. We argue that these initiatives of industry-based student training contribute to bringing skills and general competences back into technological education, and that the effects are not limited to increased employability, but also include increased academic performance.





Technological Educational Institute of Crete


Andersson, Gunnar, Sahama, Tony R., Willett, Graham, & Hauge, Bjørn Gitle (2013) Bringing skills and general competences back into technological education. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Crete Island, Greece, pp. 221-226.


Copyright 2013 Please consult the author


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Information Security Institute; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080000 INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCES #130000 EDUCATION #139999 Education not elsewhere classified #Industry-based student training #Work integrated learning #Employability #Student performance #Skills and Competences #CEED #BTPIB

Conference Paper