A UKF-based estimation strategy for actuator fault detection of UASs

Autoria(s): Yang, Xilin; Warren, Michael; Arain, Bilal; Upcroft, Ben; Gonzalez, Luis Felipe; Mejias, Luis



This paper presents a recursive strategy for online detection of actuator faults on a unmanned aerial system (UAS) subjected to accidental actuator faults. The proposed detection algorithm aims to provide a UAS with the capability of identifying and determining characteristics of actuator faults, offering necessary flight information for the design of fault-tolerant mechanism to compensate for the resultant side-effect when faults occur. The proposed fault detection strategy consists of a bank of unscented Kalman filters (UKFs) with each one detecting a specific type of actuator faults and estimating correspond- ing velocity and attitude information. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated using a typical nonlinear UAS model and it is demonstrated in simulations that our method is able to detect representative faults with a sufficient accuracy and acceptable time delay, and can be applied to the design of fault-tolerant flight control systems of UASs.






IEEE Control Society




Yang, Xilin, Warren, Michael, Arain, Bilal, Upcroft, Ben, Gonzalez, Luis Felipe, & Mejias, Luis (2013) A UKF-based estimation strategy for actuator fault detection of UASs. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS, IEEE Control Society, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 516-525.


Copyright 2013 IEEE

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Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Faculty of Science and Technology; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #090104 Aircraft Performance and Flight Control Systems #UAV Forced Landing #UAS #UAV #Vision-Based Forced Landing #Detection #Actuator faults #Unmanned aerial vehicles #Accidental actuator faults #Fault-tolerant mechanism

Conference Paper