Rejuvenating lost and disused space within Fortitude Valley : a study into the effectiveness of urban greenery in subtropical public space

Autoria(s): Drake, Melissa; Guaralda, Mirko



An issue gaining prominence in our urban environments in the notion of lost space, the undesirable urban areas that are in need of redesign, commonly caused by a focus on development as individual architectural entities, without a greater view of the urban environment as a holistic entity. Within the context of South East Queensland, the suburb of Fortitude Valley has been earmarked for development as an extension of the current CBD. With lost and disused spaces already existing throughout the suburb due to rapid growth and mismatched developments, recent planning regimes have proposed rejuvenation in the form of proposals that echo typologies from other Australian regions, such as the laneway typology from Melbourne. Opportunities exist in these spaces for design approaches that relate specifically to the individual and unique subtropical character of the area. This research explores the relationship between innovative approaches towards urban greenery as a means to rejuvenate lost and disused public space, and its suitability within a subtropical climate, specifically focused within the suburb of Fortitude Valley. A trend gaining prominence is the notion of biophilic cities; cities that integrate urban greenery as a means to provide vibrant public spaces, and meet the growing aesthetic, social, cultural and economic needs of our cities. Through analysis of case studies showcasing greenery in an inventive way, observations of public using subtropical public space, and a discussion of the current policy frameworks at place within Fortitude Valley, innovative uses of urban greenery is proposed as viable placemaking technique in subtropical urban environments.





Universita degli Studi di Bologna * Dipartimento di Architettura


Drake, Melissa & Guaralda, Mirko (2013) Rejuvenating lost and disused space within Fortitude Valley : a study into the effectiveness of urban greenery in subtropical public space. In_Bo: ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la citta e l'architettura, 4(1), pp. 137-157.


Open Access


School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120100 ARCHITECTURE #Public Space #Urban Design #Placemaking #Subtropical Cities

Journal Article