Why are children the most important audience for pornography in Australia?

Autoria(s): McKee, Alan

Aveyard, Karina

Moran, Albert




Who watches pornography in Australia? If you listen to public debates about the genre the answer is clear – it’s children. Children are accessing pornography on smartphones (Murray and Tin 2011). Children are taking ‘lewd’ photographs of themselves, creating their own pornography (Nelligan and Etheridge 2011). Indigenous Australian children must be protected by banning pornography (the Age 2011). Pornographic magazines are placed where children can see them (O'Rourke 2011). Exposure to pornography is damaging children (Sundstrom 2011). The Australian Government insists that the Internet must be filtered to protect children from pornography (Collerton 2010). And if indeed any adults are watching pornography in Australia, then it’s child pornography (MacDonald 2011; Ralston and Howden 2011).In story after story, public debate about pornography focuses on children as its audience. There is no suggestion that children are numerically the largest audience of pornography in Australia. But emphatically the suggestion is that children are the most important audience to be taken into account when thinking about the genre. This chapter explores why this is the case, and notes the political advantages and disadvantages of focusing on children as the most important audience for pornography in Australia.






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McKee, Alan (2013) Why are children the most important audience for pornography in Australia? In Aveyard, Karina & Moran, Albert (Eds.) Watching Films : New Perspectives on Movie-Going, Exhibition and Reception. Intellect Ltd., Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. 87-100.


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Creative Industries Faculty; School of Media, Entertainment & Creative Arts

Palavras-Chave #200104 Media Studies #200200 CULTURAL STUDIES #200205 Culture Gender Sexuality #pornography #SEM #children #young people

Book Chapter