Embedding human expert cognition into autonomous UAS trajectory planning

Autoria(s): Narayan, Pritesh; Meyer, Patrick; Campbell, Duncan



This paper presents a new approach for the inclusion of human expert cognition into autonomous trajectory planning for unmanned aerial systems (UASs) operating in low-altitude environments. During typical UAS operations, multiple objectives may exist; therefore, the use of multicriteria decision aid techniques can potentially allow for convergence to trajectory solutions which better reflect overall mission requirements. In that context, additive multiattribute value theory has been applied to optimize trajectories with respect to multiple objectives. A graphical user interface was developed to allow for knowledge capture from a human decision maker (HDM) through simulated decision scenarios. The expert decision data gathered are converted into value functions and corresponding criteria weightings using utility additive theory. The inclusion of preferences elicited from HDM data within an automated decision system allows for the generation of trajectories which more closely represent the candidate HDM decision preferences. This approach has been demonstrated in this paper through simulation using a fixed-wing UAS operating in low-altitude environments.






Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)




Narayan, Pritesh, Meyer, Patrick, & Campbell, Duncan (2013) Embedding human expert cognition into autonomous UAS trajectory planning. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43(2), pp. 530-543.


Copyright 2013 IEEE

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Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080605 Decision Support and Group Support Systems #090199 Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified #Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) #Unmanned Aircraft (UA) #Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA)

Journal Article