Animating and sustaining niche social networks

Autoria(s): Swift, Adam Glen; Spurgeon, Christina L.

Anyanwu, Chika

Green, Kerry

Skyes, Jolyon




Within the communicative space online Social Network Sites (SNS) afford, Niche Social Networks Sites (NSNS) have emerged around particular geographic, demographic or topic-based communities to provide what broader SNS do not: specified and targeted content for an engaged and interested community. Drawing on a research project developed at the Queensland University of Technology in conjunction with the Australian Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre that produced an NSNS based around Adventure Travel, this paper outlines the main drivers for community creation and sustainability within NSNS. The paper asks what factors motivate users to join and stay with these sites and what, if any, common patterns can be noted in their formation. It also outlines the main barriers to online participation and content creation in NSNS, and the similarities and differences in SNS and NSNS business models. Having built a community of 100 registered members, the project was a living laboratory, enabling us to document the steps taken in producing a NSNS and cultivating and retaining active contributors. The paper incorporates observational analysis of user-generated content (UGC) and user profile submissions, statistical analysis of site usage, and findings from a survey of our membership pool in noting areas of success and of failure. In drawing on our project in this way we provide a template for future iterations of NSNS initiation and development across various other social settings: not only niche communities, but also the media and advertising with which they engage and interact. Positioned within the context of online user participation and UGC research, our paper concludes with a discussion of the ways in which the tools afforded by NSNS extend earlier understandings of online ‘communities of interest’. It also outlines the relevance of our research to larger questions about the diversity of the social media ecology.







Swift, Adam Glen & Spurgeon, Christina L. (2012) Animating and sustaining niche social networks. In Anyanwu, Chika, Green, Kerry, & Skyes, Jolyon (Eds.) Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century, ANZCA, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 1-11.


Copyright 2012 [please consult the author]

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ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation; Creative Industries Faculty; Journalism, Media & Communication

Palavras-Chave #200100 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES #Social Networks #Online Communities

Conference Paper