Comparison of self-reported driving behaviours and experiences of immediate-uptake and delayed-uptake licence holders

Autoria(s): Scott-Parker, Bridie; Watson, Barry C.; King, Mark J.; Hyde, Melissa K.



The objective of this paper was to explore experiences of ‘immediate-uptake’ (intermediate licensure at age 17-18 years, n = 928) and ‘delayed-uptake’ (intermediate licensure at age 19-20 years, n = 158) driver’s licence holders in the Australian state of Queensland. In Queensland, the graduated driver licence program applies to all novices irrespective of age. Drivers who obtained a Provisional 1 (intermediate) (P1) licence completed a survey exploring pre-Licence and Learner experiences, including the Behaviour of Young Novice Drivers Scale (BYNDS). Six months later, 351 drivers from this sample (n = 300 immediate-uptake) completed a survey exploring P1 driving. Delayed-uptake Learners reported significantly more difficulty gaining driving practice, which appeared to be associated with significantly greater engagement in unsupervised driving during the Learner period. Whilst a larger proportion of delayed-uptake novices, particularly males, reported the use of more active punishment avoidance strategies (avoiding Police, talking themselves out of a ticket) in the P1 phase, there was no significant difference in the BYNDS scores in the Learner and P1 phases according to licence-uptake category. Delayed-uptake novices report more difficulty meeting GDL requirements and place themselves at increased risk by driving unsupervised during the Learner licence phase. Additional efforts such as mentoring programs which can support the delayed-uptake Learner in meeting their GDL obligations merit further consideration to allow this novice group to gain the full benefits of the GDL program and to reduce their risk of harm in the short-term.





Transportation Research Board of the National Academies



Scott-Parker, Bridie, Watson, Barry C., King, Mark J., & Hyde, Melissa K. (2013) Comparison of self-reported driving behaviours and experiences of immediate-uptake and delayed-uptake licence holders. Transportation Research Record, 2327, pp. 19-25.


Copyright 2013 Transportation Research Board of the National Academies


Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety - Qld (CARRS-Q); Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Psychology & Counselling


Journal Article