Grey St. Xchange 2.0 by QUT

Autoria(s): Caldwell, Glenda Amayo; Foth, Marcus; Guaralda, Mirko



Partnerships between universities and public institutions such as this offer the beginning of a long term relationship to actively influence public policy, procedures and new ways to engage the many diverse communities to be integral in shaping the environments in which they live. It offers an opportunity to apply authentic positioning of research theories and build new methodologies for consulting, analysing and implementing innovation. SBC, as an established corporation offers a unique precinct to research and develop models with its different offers of tourism, leisure and neighbourhood. The Parklands and Little Stanley Street are well advanced in the goals however Grey Street, which connects the precinct to the greater surrounds, has been a complex issue that is now ready to be addressed. This project offers the ability to be of real worth at this critical time of development with the history of the past development combined with the desire for future visioning to be realised over the next 5 years. QUT has the unique opportunity to be part of this future.



Caldwell, Glenda Amayo, Foth, Marcus, & Guaralda, Mirko (2012) Grey St. Xchange 2.0 by QUT. [Exhibition/Event]


Copyright 2012 The Authors


School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120000 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN #120100 ARCHITECTURE #120300 DESIGN PRACTICE AND MANAGEMENT #Architectural design #Urban design research #Urban Informatics #Community engagement

Creative Work