Thinking Critically in the Land of Princesses and Giants : The Affordances and Challenges of Critical Approaches in the Early Years

Autoria(s): Exley, Beryl E.; Woods, Annette F.; Dooley, Karen T.

Pandya, Jessica

Avila, Julianna




During the last four decades, educators have created a range of critical literacy approaches for different contexts, including compulsory schooling (Luke & Woods, 2009) and second language education (Luke & Dooley, 2011). Despite inspirational examples of critical work with young students (e.g., O’Brien, 1994; Vasquez, 1994), Comber (2012) laments the persistent myth that critical literacy is not viable in the early years. Assumptions about childhood innocence and the priorities of the back-to-basics movement seem to limit the possibilities for early years literacy teaching and learning. Yet, teachers of young students need not face an either/or choice between the basic and critical dimensions of literacy. Systematic ways of treating literacy in all its complexity exist. We argue that the integrative imperative is especially important in schools that are under pressure to improve technical literacy outcomes. In this chapter, we document how critical literacy was addressed in a fairytales unit taught to 4.5 - 5.5 year olds in a high diversity, high poverty Australian school. We analyze the affordances and challenges of different approaches to critical literacy, concluding they are complementary rather than competing sources of possibility. Furthermore, we make the case for turning familiar classroom activities to critical ends.







Exley, Beryl E., Woods, Annette F., & Dooley, Karen T. (2013) Thinking Critically in the Land of Princesses and Giants : The Affordances and Challenges of Critical Approaches in the Early Years. In Pandya, Jessica & Avila, Julianna (Eds.) Moving Critical Literacies Forward : A New Look at Praxis Across Contexts. Routledge, London, pp. 59-70.


Copyright 2013 Routledge.


Children & Youth Research Centre; Faculty of Education; School of Cultural & Language Studies in Education; School of Early Childhood

Palavras-Chave #130102 Early Childhood Education (excl. Maori) #130204 English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE ESL and TESOL) #critical literacy #early childhood #text analytic approaches #fairy tales #genre pedagogy

Book Chapter