Creativity is as important as literacy : making a film trailer responding to literature

Autoria(s): Jetnikoff, Anita; Armitage, Chrystal



The first part of the title is from Sir Ken Robinson (Robinson, 2009), the esteemed educator and champion of creativity in schools. Sometimes in the face of meeting the demands of time, timetabling, demanding administration tasks and teaching for high stakes testing accountability, we can find ourselves desperate for time to remember that English has always been one of the places in schools where creativity can flourish. English is a place for the play of the imagination. English teachers are the purveyors of narrative; the keepers and teachers of stories. The new Australian Curriculum: English, (Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority (ACARA), 2012) asks us to be using ICT technologies in creative ways to tell those stories. The curriculum asks students to access texts receptively and to then speak about, write and create texts productively. There are so many interesting things to do with texts beyond word processing of print based resources. Responding to literature through media is always an alternative option to writing or simply speaking about it. In this paper my QUT pre-service student Chrystal Armitage describes how she made a mini story via a film trailer in response to a short story, ‘Turned’ (Gilman, 1987) in the unit, Literature in Secondary Teaching.





English Teachers Association of Queensland


Jetnikoff, Anita & Armitage, Chrystal (2013) Creativity is as important as literacy : making a film trailer responding to literature. Words'Worth, 46(1), pp. 9-15.


Copyright 2013 (please consult the authors).

This is non DEST publication and copyright is retained by the named authors. Please seek permission before copying this work.


Children & Youth Research Centre; Faculty of Education; School of Cultural & Language Studies in Education

Palavras-Chave #130200 CURRICULUM AND PEDAGOGY #130204 English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE ESL and TESOL) #Multiliteracies #multimodal design and technology #English curriculum #Creativity and English Curriculum #English and media

Journal Article