A non-linear dynamic analysis of heavy haul track line sleepers under wheel flat

Autoria(s): Bian, Jian; Murray, Martin H.; Gu, YuanTong



Significant wheel-rail dynamic forces occur because of imperfections in the wheels and/or rail. One of the key responses to the transmission of these forces down through the track is impact force on the sleepers. Dynamic analysis of nonlinear systems is very complicated and does not lend itself easily to a classical solution of multiple equations. Trying to deduce the behaviour of track components from experimental data is very difficult because such data is hard to obtain and applies to only the particular conditions of the track being tested. The finite element method can be the best solution to this dilemma. This paper describes a finite element model using the software package ANSYS for various sized flat defects in the tread of a wheel rolling at a typical speed on heavy haul track. The paper explores the dynamic response of a prestressed concrete sleeper to these defects.







Bian, Jian, Murray, Martin H., & Gu, YuanTong (2012) A non-linear dynamic analysis of heavy haul track line sleepers under wheel flat. In Conference on Railway Engineering CORE2012, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.


Copyright 2012 Please consult the author.


School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #091300 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING #dynamic analysis #finite element analysis #wheel flat #concrete sleeper #ANSYS

Conference Paper