Consumer guarantees and the supply of educational services by higher education providers

Autoria(s): Corones, Stephen G.



The higher education sector is undergoing a number of significant changes, the implications of which have yet to emerge. One such change is the increasing reliance by higher education providers on the revenue generated by full fee paying international students to fund their operating expenses. The report by the Victorian Ombudsman, Investigation into how Universities Deal with International Students ('Victorian Ombudsman's Report') tabled in the Victorian Parliament on 27 October 2011, provides evidence that Australian higher education providers may be failing to meet their legal obligations to international students. The Victorian Ombudsman's Report is the result of an investigation into four Victorian universities teaching international students with a focus on accounting and nursing schools. The report contains evidence that the universities were admitting students with scores below, or at the lower end of, the International English Language Testing System ('IELTS') score considered acceptable. Alternatively, they were relying upon their own language testing admission standards and not on an independent test like the IELTS test. While the universities provided English language support services for their international students after they had been admitted, the Ombudsman was concerned that the universities 'have not dedicated sufficient resources to meet the level of need amongst international students'.





University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law


Corones, Stephen G. (2012) Consumer guarantees and the supply of educational services by higher education providers. The University of New South Wales Law Journal, 35(1), pp. 1-30.


Copyright 2012 The University of New South Wales.


Faculty of Law; School of Law

Palavras-Chave #189999 Law and Legal Studies not elsewhere classified #consumer law #university admission #international student admissions #government policy #higher education admission #HERN

Journal Article