Change-induced stressors and effective coping strategies in nursing

Autoria(s): Teo, Stephen; Pick, David; Newton, Cameron J.; Yeung, Melissa; Chang, Esther



This study seeks to examine the causality of non-nursing and nursing stressors on the job satisfaction of nurses and how coping strategies have a mediating influence on this relationship in the context of sector-wide reform. To conceptualize the relationships, a mediation path model was developed. Data were collected at two time points using a self-completed online survey over a six monthly interval. During time 1, 306 Australian nurses completed the online survey. In the first wave (time 1), 306 Australian nurses completed the survey. In the second wave (time 2), matched survey data were collected from 119 nurses. The analysis showed a significant causal relationship between time 1 administrative and role stressors and an increase in nursing stress in time 2. A significant relationship was also identified between job specific context stressors and the adoption of effective coping strategies to deal with increased level of change-induced stress and strain and the likelihood of reporting higher level of job satisfaction in time 2. This study contributes by providing an integrated theoretical perspective on how stress affects retention that has so far been elusive. This is useful to researchers wanting to examine this phenomenon further and practitioners responsible for implementing change programs.





Teo, Stephen, Pick, David, Newton, Cameron J., Yeung, Melissa, & Chang, Esther (2012) Change-induced stressors and effective coping strategies in nursing. In 15th annual IAM conference 2012, School of Business, NUI, Maynooth, Ireland.


Copyright 2012 Please consult the author.


QUT Business School; School of Management

Palavras-Chave #150311 Organisational Behaviour #Change Management #Australia #Nursing Stress #Coping Strategies #Job Satisfaction

Conference Paper