Preservice teachers’ views : Issues for learning to teach SOSE in an overcrowded curriculum

Autoria(s): Davey Chesters, Sarah; Hudson, Peter B.; Hudson, Sue M.



A cohort of third-year preservice teachers (n=24) was given the opportunity to observe and participate in Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) in primary classrooms through a series of school visits during a semester-long unit. These visits were designed to give preservice teachers opportunities to connect SOSE teaching theories studied in the university setting to SOSE teaching practices within schools. This study investigates the extent of the preservice teachers’ opportunities to observe SOSE teaching in the primary school. Responses from a survey showed that the majority of preservice teachers only agreed with 6 of the 25 items associated with the six categories (personal-professional skill development, system requirements, teaching practices, student behavior, feedback to students, and reflection on practice). Written responses from the questionnaire concurred that most had not experienced SOSE teaching. Various issues are discussed around providing preservice teachers with SOSE teaching experiences. School executives, teachers and university staff need to be part of the process to ensure preservice teachers are receiving quality SOSE teaching experiences that will assist in their pedagogical development. A wider question is also raised through this paper. If preservice teachers are unable to experience quality SOSE teaching in school visits designed for such a purpose, does this signal a changing emphasis in education that leaves the social sciences and humanities off the education agenda?





Davey Chesters, Sarah, Hudson, Peter B., & Hudson, Sue M. (2012) Preservice teachers’ views : Issues for learning to teach SOSE in an overcrowded curriculum. In 19th International Conference on Learning, 14-16 August 2012, The Institute of Education, University of London, London, United Kingdom.


Copyright 2012 Please consult the author


School of Curriculum; Faculty of Education; School of Cultural & Language Studies in Education

Palavras-Chave #130313 Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators #society #environment #preservice teachers #university-school collaboration #school experience #democratic education #HERN

Conference Paper