The lived world of older urban Australians: relating everyday living to GPS tracking data

Autoria(s): Vine, Desley; Buys, Laurie



Neighbourhood like the concept of liveability is usually measured by either subjective indicators using surveys of residents’ perceptions or by objective means using secondary data or relative weights for objective indicators of the urban environment. Rarely, have objective and subjective indicators been related to one another in order to understand what constitutes a liveable urban neighbourhood both spatially and behaviourally. This paper explores the use of qualitative (diaries, in-depth interviews) and quantitative (Global Positioning Systems, Geographical Information Systems mapping) liveability research data to examine the perceptions and behaviour of 12 older residents living in six high density urban areas of Brisbane. Older urban Australians are one of the two principal groups highly attracted to high density urban living. The strength of the relationship between the qualitative and quantitative measures was examined. Results of the research indicate a weak relationship between subjective and objective indicators. Linking the two methods (quantitative and qualitative) is important in obtaining a greater understanding of human behaviour and the lived world of older urban Australians and in providing a wider picture of the urban neighbourhood.





ACM Digital Library



Vine, Desley & Buys, Laurie (2010) The lived world of older urban Australians: relating everyday living to GPS tracking data. In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of Australia on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM Digital Library , Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, pp. 176-179.


Copyright 2010 the author(s) and CHISIG


School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120000 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN #neighbourhood #liveability #high density #quantitative #qualitative #GIS #GPS

Conference Paper