A review of system safety failure probability objectives for Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Autoria(s): Clothier, Reece A.; Wu, Paul P.



Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are one of a number of emerging aviation sectors. Such new aviation concepts present a significant challenge to National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) charged with ensuring the safety of their operation within the existing airspace system. There is significant heritage in the existing body of aviation safety regulations for Conventionally Piloted Aircraft (CPA). It can be argued that the promulgation of these regulations has delivered a level of safety tolerable to society, thus justifying the “default position” of applying these same standards, regulations and regulatory structures to emerging aviation concepts such as UAS. An example of this is the proposed “1309” regulation for UAS, which is based on the 1309 regulation for CPA. However, the absence of a pilot on-board an unmanned aircraft creates a fundamentally different risk paradigm to that of CPA. An appreciation of these differences is essential to the justification of the “default position” and in turn, to ensure the development of effective safety standards and regulations for UAS. This paper explores the suitability of the proposed “1309” regulation for UAS. A detailed review of the proposed regulation is provided and a number of key assumptions are identified and discussed. A high-level model characterising the expected number of third party fatalities on the ground is then used to determine the impact of these assumptions. The results clearly show that the “one size fits all” approach to the definition of 1309 regulations for UAS, which mandates equipment design and installation requirements independent of where the UAS is to be operated, will not lead to an effective management of the risks.








Clothier, Reece A. & Wu, Paul P. (2012) A review of system safety failure probability objectives for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Proceedings of the 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM11) Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability (ESREL 2012) Conference., Scandic Marina Congress Center, Helsinki.


Copyright 2012 The Author


Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #090199 Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified #091507 Risk Engineering (excl. Earthquake Engineering) #UAS #Unmanned Aircraft Systems #UAS 1309 Regulation #Airworthiness

Conference Paper