Emerging themes in dietetic competency

Autoria(s): Ash, Susan; Gallegos, Danielle; Hannan-Jones, Mary T.; Phillips, Susan; Beck, Eleanor

Bauer, Judith D.




Determining entry level competency of new graduates, as they transition from university to practice is not always black and white. Holistic competency emerges as acculturation and experience develops in the workplace. This project, funded by the Dietitians Association Australia (DAA), aimed to develop tools to guide the assessment process. Range variable statements and evidence guides were developed to inform the assessment of DAA Entry Level Competency Standards (ELCS) at university and to define the core fields of study required in Australian university curricula for university accreditation and international benchmarking purposes. Range variables contextualise competency by defining the boundaries for competency and the associated performance criteria. Evidence guides provide the range of contexts and critical aspects of competency which would usually be assessed together. Core fields of study defi ne the underpinning knowledge and skills required in the curriculum to achieve competency. Draft range variable statements and evidence guides were developed against each of the units and elements of the ELCS. Two rounds of consultation occurred with the fourteen Australian universities undertaking dietetic education and the project management committee, via teleconference and email. Core fi elds of study were informed by these consultations, as well as interviews of new graduates about core activities undertaken in their workplace. The final versions of these documents were presented to the project management committee, the Australian Dietetic Council and the DAA Board to be integrated into the DAA Accreditation Manual and website information.




Blackwell Publishing Asia



Ash, Susan, Gallegos, Danielle, Hannan-Jones, Mary T., Phillips, Susan, & Beck, Eleanor (2011) Emerging themes in dietetic competency. In Bauer, Judith D. (Ed.) Nutrition & Dietetics, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, p. 23.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Palavras-Chave #111100 NUTRITION AND DIETETICS #111199 Nutrition and Dietetics not elsewhere classified #dietetic #training #competence #nutrition #student

Conference Paper