Visualising the 48 hour game making challenge

Autoria(s): Turner, Jane; Thomas, Lubi



We have always felt that “something very special” was happening in the 48hr and other similar game jams. This “something” is more than the intensity and challenge of the experience, although this certainly has appeal for the participants. We had an intuition that these intense 48 hour game jams exposed something pertinent to the changing shape of the Australian games industry where we see the demise of the late 20th century large studio - the “Night Elf” model and the growth of the small independent model. There are a large number of wider economic and cultural factors around this evolution but our interest is specifically in the change from “industry” to “creative industry” and the growth of games as a cultural media and art practice. If we are correct in our intuition, then illuminating this something also has important ramifications for those courses which teach game and interaction design and development. Rather than undertake a formal ethno-methodological approach, we decided to track as many of the actors in the event as possible. We documented the experience (Keith Novak’s beautiful B&W photography), the individual and their technology (IOGraph mouse tracking), the teams as a group (Time lapse photography) and movement tracking throughout the whole space (Blue tooth phone tracking). The raw data collected has given us opportunity to start a commentary on the “something special” happening in the 48hr.





Turner, Jane & Thomas, Lubi (2012) Visualising the 48 hour game making challenge. The Dean's Research Seminar Poster Exhibition. (Unpublished)


Copyright 2012 Jane Turner


Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID); School of Design; Creative Industries Faculty; Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation; Division of International and Development

Palavras-Chave #190202 Computer Gaming and Animation #Computer Games #Creativity #Innovation #Game Design #Creative Teams #Data Visualisation #Anecdata
