Measuring urban form : a comparative analysis of South East Queensland and South Florida

Autoria(s): Sipe, Neil G.; Mayere, Severine; Dedekorkut-Howes, Aysin



At first glance the built environments of South Florida and South East Queensland appear very similar, particularly along the highly urbanized coast. However this apparent similarity belies some fundamental differences between the two regions in terms of context and the approach to regulating development. This paper describes some of these key differences, but focuses on two research questions: 1) do these differences affect the built environment; and 2) if so, how does the built form differ? There has been considerable research on how to best measure urban form, particularly as it relates to measuring urban sprawl (Schwarz 2010; Clifton et al. 2008). Some of the key questions identified by this research include: what are the best variables to use?; what scale should be used?; and what time period to use? We will assimilate this research in order to develop a methodology for measuring urban form and apply it to both case study regions. There are several potential outcomes from this research -- one is that the built form between the two regions is quite different; and the second is that it is similar. The first outcome is what might be expected given the differences in context and development regulation. However how might the second outcome be explained – major differences in context and development regulation resulting in minor differences in key measures of urban form? One explanation is that differences in the way development is regulated are not as important in determining the built form as are private market forces.





Sipe, Neil G., Mayere, Severine, & Dedekorkut-Howes, Aysin (2011) Measuring urban form : a comparative analysis of South East Queensland and South Florida. In The 3rd World Planning Schools Congress, 4-7 July 2011, Perth, WA.


Copyright 2011 [please consult the author]


School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #120500 URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING #Urban Form #Comparative Analysis #South Florida #South East Queensland

Conference Paper