Outdoor experiential training as a medium for the development of today’s leaders

Autoria(s): Brymer, Eric; Gray, Tonia; Cotton, Wayne



Outdoor experiential training is often used for the enhancement of generalised workplace skills including those considered relevant for effective leadership. Traditionally, facilitation processes and strategies employed in outdoor experiential training have often relied on theories delivered as part of an outdoor leadership training program. This was premised on the assumption that skills and capabilities developed in such programs transfer to the mainstream business market. In this paper we present data from an International study on the characteristics of outdoor education professionals that adds further insights into the role that outdoor experiential training plays in the development of generic leadership characteristics. Outdoor leaders were found to characterise transformational leadership qualities and considered that the development of these qualities were directly linked to their outdoor experiential training.




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Brymer, Eric, Gray, Tonia, & Cotton, Wayne (2011) Outdoor experiential training as a medium for the development of today’s leaders. Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management, 5(1), pp. 58-68.


Copyright © 2011 Spirituality, Leadership and Management Inc

Copyright on individual papers remains with the author(s). Papers are published here by permission of the authors.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Palavras-Chave #130000 EDUCATION #outdoor experiential training, #leadership development, #generic leadership #transformational leadership

Journal Article