Modeling player-like behaviour for game Al design

Autoria(s): Conroy, David; Wyeth, Peta; Johnson, Daniel M.

Romao, Teresa

Correia, Nuno

Inami, Masahiko




The design of artificial intelligence in computer games is an important component of a player's game play experience. As games are becoming more life-like and interactive, the need for more realistic game AI will increase. This is particularly the case with respect to AI that simulates how human players act, behave and make decisions. The purpose of this research is to establish a model of player-like behavior that may be effectively used to inform the design of artificial intelligence to more accurately mimic a player's decision making process. The research uses a qualitative analysis of player opinions and reactions while playing a first person shooter video game, with recordings of their in game actions, speech and facial characteristics. The initial studies provide player data that has been used to design a model of how a player behaves.



Association for Computing Machinery Inc



Conroy, David, Wyeth, Peta, & Johnson, Daniel M. (2011) Modeling player-like behaviour for game Al design. In Romao, Teresa, Correia, Nuno, & Inami, Masahiko (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Association for Computing Machinery Inc, Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, pp. 1-8.


Copyright 2011 Association for Computing Machinery Inc

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Faculty of Science and Technology

Palavras-Chave #AI #Design #Player model #User study #Video games

Conference Paper