Detection versus false alarm characterisation of a vision-based airborne dim-target collision detection system

Autoria(s): Lai, John S.; Ford, Jason J.; Mejias, Luis; O'Shea, Peter J.; Walker, Rodney A.



This paper presents a preliminary flight test based detection range versus false alarm performance characterisation of a morphological-hidden Markov model filtering approach to vision-based airborne dim-target collision detection. On the basis of compelling in-flight collision scenario data, we calculate system operating characteristic (SOC) curves that concisely illustrate the detection range versus false alarm rate performance design trade-offs. These preliminary SOC curves provide a more complete dim-target detection performance description than previous studies (due to the experimental difficulties involved, previous studies have been limited to very short flight data sample sets and hence have not been able to quantify false alarm behaviour). The preliminary investigation here is based on data collected from 4 controlled collision encounters and supporting non-target flight data. This study suggests head-on detection ranges of approximately 2.22 km under blue sky background conditions (1.26 km in cluttered background conditions), whilst experiencing false alarms at a rate less than 1.7 false alarms/hour (ie. less than once every 36 minutes). Further data collection is currently in progress.







Lai, John S., Ford, Jason J., Mejias, Luis, O'Shea, Peter J., & Walker, Rodney A. (2011) Detection versus false alarm characterisation of a vision-based airborne dim-target collision detection system. In 2011 International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications (DICTA), IEEE, Noosa, QLD, pp. 448-455.


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Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation; Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #090100 AEROSPACE ENGINEERING #collision #detection #false alarm #hidden Markov model #morphology #vision

Conference Paper