Technology : new horizons in teaching law

Autoria(s): Butler, Desmond A.

Kift, Sally M.

Sanson, Michelle

Cowley, Jill

Watson, Penelope




17.1 Up until the 1990s the methods used to teach the law had evolved little since the first law schools were established in Australia. As Keyes and Johnstone observed: In the traditional model, most teachers uncritically replicate the learning experiences that they had when students, which usually means that the dominant mode of instruction is reading lecture notes to large classes in which students are largely passive. Traditional legal education has been described in the following terms: Traditionally law is taught through a series of lectures, with little or no student involvement, and a tutorial programme. Sometimes tutorials are referred to as seminars but the terminology used is often insignificant: both terms refer to probably the only form of student participation that takes place throughout these students‘ academic legal education. The tutorial consists of analysing the answers, prepared in advanced (sic), to artificial Janet and John Doe problems or esoteric essay questions. The primary focus of traditional legal education is the transmission of content knowledge, more particularly the teaching of legal rules, especially those drawn from case law. This approach has a long pedigree. Writing in 1883, Dicey proposed that nothing can be taught to students of greater value, either intellectually or for the purposes of legal practice, than the habit of looking on the law as a series of rules‘.





LexisNexis Australia


Butler, Desmond A. (2011) Technology : new horizons in teaching law. In Kift, Sally M., Sanson, Michelle, Cowley, Jill, & Watson, Penelope (Eds.) Excellence and Innovation in Legal Education. LexisNexis Australia, North Ryde, NSW, pp. 460-496.


Copyright 2011 LexisNexis Australia


Faculty of Law; Law and Justice Research Centre; School of Law

Palavras-Chave #130103 Higher Education #180199 Law not elsewhere classified #Education technology #Legal education #Virtual worlds #Blended learning environments #Web 2.0 #HERN

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