Exchange design patterns for electronic intermediairies

Autoria(s): Fielt, Erwin; Janssen, Wil; Faber, Edward; Wagenaar, Rene



Intermediaries have introduced electronic services with varying success. One of the problems an intermediary faces is deciding what kind of exchange service it should offer to its customers and suppliers. For example, should it only provide a catalogue or should it also enable customers to order products? Developing the right exchange design is a complex undertaking because of the many design options on the one hand and the interests of multiple actors to be considered on the other. This is far more difficult than simple prescriptions like ‘creating a win-win situation’ suggest. We address this problem by developing design patterns for the exchanges between customers, intermediary, and suppliers related to role, linkage, transparency, and ovelty choices. For developing these design patterns, we studied four distinct electronic intermediaries and dentified exchange design choices that require trade-offs relating to the interests of customers, intermediary, and suppliers. The exchange design patterns contribute to the development of design theory for electronic intermediaries by filling a gap between basic business models and detailed business process designs.



Association for Information Systems (AIS)


Fielt, Erwin, Janssen, Wil, Faber, Edward, & Wagenaar, Rene (2007) Exchange design patterns for electronic intermediairies. In ECIS 2007 Proceedings, Association for Information Systems (AIS), Switzerland.


Computer Science; Faculty of Science and Technology


Conference Paper