Demand side response to mitigate electrical peak demand in Eastern and Southern Australia

Autoria(s): Marwan, Marwan; Kamel, Fouad



The aim of this work is to develop a Demand-Side-Response (DSR) model, which assists electricity end-users to be engaged in mitigating peak demands on the electricity network in Eastern and Southern Australia. The proposed innovative model will comprise a technical set-up of a programmable internet relay, a router, solid state switches in addition to the suitable software to control electricity demand at user's premises. The software on appropriate multimedia tool (CD Rom) will be curtailing/shifting electric loads to the most appropriate time of the day following the implemented economic model, which is designed to be maximizing financial benefits to electricity consumers. Additionally the model is targeting a national electrical load be spread-out evenly throughout the year in order to satisfy best economic performance for electricity generation, transmission and distribution. The model is applicable in region managed by the Australian Energy Management Operator (AEMO) covering states of Eastern-, Southern-Australia and Tasmania.





Marwan, Marwan & Kamel, Fouad (2011) Demand side response to mitigate electrical peak demand in Eastern and Southern Australia. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies, 27 - 30 September 2011, Chengdu China. (In Press)


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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #050200 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT #electicity demand

Conference Paper