Hysteresis modeling of Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluid damper by self tuning fuzzy control

Autoria(s): Islam, Muhammad Aminul; Ahn, Kyoung Kwang; Truong, D.Q.



Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid damper is a semi-active control device that has recently received more attention by the vibration control community. But inherent nonlinear hysteresis character of magneto-rheological fluid dampers is one of the challenging aspects for utilizing this device to achieve high system performance. So the development of accurate model is necessary to take the advantage their unique characteristics. Research by others [3] has shown that a system of nonlinear differential equations can successfully be used to describe the hysteresis behavior of the MR damper. The focus of this paper is to develop an alternative method for modeling a damper in the form of centre average fuzzy interference system, where back propagation learning rules are used to adjust the weight of network. The inputs for the model are used from the experimental data. The resulting fuzzy interference system is satisfactorily represents the behavior of the MR fluid damper with reduced computational requirements. Use of the neuro-fuzzy model increases the feasibility of real time simulation.










Islam, Muhammad Aminul, Ahn, Kyoung Kwang, & Truong, D.Q. (2008) Hysteresis modeling of Magneto-Rheological (MR) fluid damper by self tuning fuzzy control. In Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation and System 2008, IEEE, COEX, Seoul, pp. 2628-2633.


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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #090203 Automotive Mechatronics #MR Fluid (Magneto-Rheological fluid) #modeling #Self tuning Fuzzy

Conference Paper