Teaching sustainability : vehicle or endpoint?

Autoria(s): Gray, Matthew; Brown, Richard J.; Miller, Evonne; Buys, Laurie; Dawes, Les A.

Chandra, Vinesh

Hudson, Peter B.

Lee, Kar-Tin




In 2006, the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering introduced the first faculty wide unit dedicated to sustainability at any Australian University. BEB200 Introducing Sustainability has semester enrolments of up to 1500 students. Instruments such as lectures, readings, field visits, group projects and structured tutorial activities are used and have evolved over the last five years in response to student and staff feedback and attempts to better engage students. More than seventy staff have taught in the unit, which is in its final offering in this form in 2010. This paper reflects on the experiences of five academics who have played key roles in the development and teaching of this unit over the last five years. They argue that sustainability is a paradigm that allows students to explore other ways of knowing as they engage with issues in a complex world, not an end in itself. From the students’ perspective, grappling with such issues enables them to move towards a context in which they can understand their own discipline and its role in the contradictory and rapidly changing professional world. Insights are offered into how sustainability units may be developed in the future.






STEM/Queensland University of Technology




Gray, Matthew, Brown, Richard J., Miller, Evonne, Buys, Laurie, & Dawes, Les A. (2011) Teaching sustainability : vehicle or endpoint? In Chandra, Vinesh, Hudson, Peter B., & Lee, Kar-Tin (Eds.) Proceedings of the STEM in Education Conference : Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education Conference, STEM/Queensland University of Technology, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld, 1 -11.


Copyright 2011 STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education. Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane Australia.


School of Curriculum; Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Design; School of Engineering Systems; School of Urban Development

Palavras-Chave #090799 Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified #099999 Engineering not elsewhere classified #139999 Education not elsewhere classified #Sustainability #Epistemology #Hermeneutic Circules #Systems Thinking #Complexity #HERN

Conference Paper