Simulated visual impairment leads to cognitive slowing in older adults

Autoria(s): Wood, Joanne M.; Chaparro, Alex; Anstey, Kaarin J.; Lacherez, Philippe F.; Chidgey, Aaron; Eisemann, Jared E.; Gaynor, Alison; La, Peter



PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of different levels of simulated visual impairment on the cognitive test performance of older adults and to compare this with previous findings in younger adults. METHODS.: Cognitive performance was assessed in 30 visually normal, community-dwelling older adults (mean = 70.2 ± 3.9 years). Four standard cognitive tests were used including the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, Trail Making Tests A and B, and the Stroop Color Word Test under three visual conditions: normal baseline vision and two levels of cataract simulating filters (Vistech), which were administered in a random order. Distance high-contrast visual acuity and Pelli-Robson letter contrast sensitivity were also assessed for all three visual conditions. RESULTS.: Simulated cataract significantly impaired performance across all cognitive test performance measures. In addition, the impact of simulated cataract was significantly greater in this older cohort than in a younger cohort previously investigated. Individual differences in contrast sensitivity better predicted cognitive test performance than did visual acuity. CONCLUSIONS.: Visual impairment can lead to slowing of cognitive performance in older adults; these effects are greater than those observed in younger participants. This has important implications for neuropsychological testing of older populations who have a high prevalence of cataract.





Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins


Wood, Joanne M., Chaparro, Alex, Anstey, Kaarin J., Lacherez, Philippe F., Chidgey, Aaron, Eisemann, Jared E., Gaynor, Alison, & La, Peter (2010) Simulated visual impairment leads to cognitive slowing in older adults. Optometry and Vision Science, 87(12), pp. 1037-1043.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Optometry & Vision Science

Palavras-Chave #111300 OPTOMETRY AND OPHTHALMOLOGY #aging #contrast sensitivity #cataract #cognitive function #visual impairment

Journal Article