Positive design and construction of mechanisms for the sustainable development in microenterprises in Africa

Autoria(s): Dalglish, Carol L.; Matthews, Judy H.

Cooperrider, David

Avital, Michel




Enterprise development and its contribution to societal and economic outcomes are well known. However, limited research into microenterprises and the practices of microfinance and microcredit in developing countries has been carried out. This chapter presents the findings of research based on six years of engagement with the microentrepreneurs of Beira in Mozambique and suggests a model for responsible and sustainable support for enterprise development in developing economies. Building on semistructured interviews, observation, and participatory action research, this research project articulates a new approach supportive of enterprise development, as a process of cocreation with local people and based on sustainability principles. These findings are part of a longitudinal study of the successes and failures of small enterprises and their impact on social and economic activity.




Emerald Group Publishing Inc.



Dalglish, Carol L. & Matthews, Judy H. (2010) Positive design and construction of mechanisms for the sustainable development in microenterprises in Africa. In Cooperrider, David & Avital, Michel (Eds.) Positive design and appreciative construction : from sustainable development to sustainable value. Emerald Group Publishing Inc., Bingley, U.K., pp. 297-317.


QUT Business School; School of Management

Palavras-Chave #150304 Entrepreneurship #150314 Small Business Management #Positive Design #Sustainable Development #Microenterprises #Africa

Book Chapter