A comprehensive condition monitoring of modern railway

Autoria(s): Ho, S.L.; Lee, K.K.; Lee, K.Y.; Tam, H.Y.; Chung, W.H.; Liu, S.Y.; Yip, C.M.; Ho, T.K.



The demand for high quality rail services in the twenty-first century has put an ever increasing demand on all rail operators. In order to meet the expectation of their patrons, the maintenance regime of railway systems has to be tightened up, the track conditions have to be well looked after, the rolling stock must be designed to withstand heavy duty. In short, in an ideal world where resources are unlimited, one needs to implement a very rigorous inspection regime in order to take care of the modem needs of a railway system [1]. If cost were not an issue, the maintenance engineers could inspect the train body by the most up-to-date techniques such as ultra-sound examination, x-ray inspection, magnetic particle inspection, etc. on a regular basis. However it is inconceivable to have such a perfect maintenance regime in any commercial railway. Likewise, it is impossible to have a perfect rolling stock which can weather all the heavy duties experienced in a modem railway. Hence it is essential that some condition monitoring schemes are devised to pick up potential defects which could manifest into safety hazards. This paper introduces an innovative condition monitoring system for track profile and, together with an instrumented car to carry out surveillance of the track, will provide a comprehensive railway condition monitoring system which is free from the usual difficulty of electromagnetic compatibility issues in a typical railway environment










Ho, S.L., Lee, K.K., Lee, K.Y., Tam, H.Y., Chung, W.H., Liu, S.Y., Yip, C.M., & Ho, T.K. (2006) A comprehensive condition monitoring of modern railway. In Proceedings of The Institution of Engineering and Technology International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring, 2006, IEEE, Brimingham, 125 -129.


Copyright 2006 IEEE

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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #090507 Transport Engineering #090606 Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications) #090609 Signal Processing #Railway systems #Condition monitoring #FBG sensors

Conference Paper