Restarting trains under moving block signalling : an expert system approach

Autoria(s): Ho, T.K.; Wong, K.K.



A high peak power demand at substations will result under Moving Block Signalling (MBS) when a dense queue of trains begins to start from a complete stop at the same time in an electrified railway system. This may cause the power supply interruption and in turn affect the train service substantially. In a recent study, measures of Starting Time Delay (STD) and Acceleration Rate Limit (ARL) are the possible approaches to reduce the peak power demand on the supply system under MBS. Nevertheless, there is no well-defined relationship between the two measures and peak power demand reduction (PDR). In order to attain a lower peak demand at substations on different traffic conditions and system requirements, an expert system is one of the possible approaches to procure the appropriate use of peak demand reduction measures. The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of the train re-starting strategies on the power demand at substations and the time delay suffered by the trains with the aid of computer simulation. An expert system is a useful tool to select various adoptions of STD and ARL under different operational conditions and system requirements.





IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.)


Ho, T.K. & Wong, K.K. (2001) Restarting trains under moving block signalling : an expert system approach. In Proceedings of ICCAS 2001, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), Cheju National Uniersity, Jeju, Korea.


Copyright 2001 ICCAS/IEEE

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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #080105 Expert Systems #090507 Transport Engineering #090607 Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power) #Moving block signalling #Expert system #Train control #Traction power system

Conference Paper